The antbase.net team: PD Dr. Martin Pfeiffer, editor and
Dr. Dirk Mezger, photographer and project manager. Not shown here is Evelin Boos, software engineer.
Dr. Martin Pfeiffer
Department of Biogeography
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstrasse 30
D-95447 Bayreuth
Germany |
Phone, Fax and eMail
Phone: +49 (921) 502361
E-Mail: martin.pfeiffer(at)uni-bayreuth.de
Value Added Tax Identification Number according to Law
DE 173703203
Director in Charge
Dr. Martin Pfeiffer
Funded until 2011 by
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn
Layout, planning and realisation
Layout and planning of this website was performed by the webmaster. Responsibility for the content concerning
projects and departments lies with the corresponding project and department staff, respectively. All other content
was created by the webmaster.
Despite intensive control of content, the webmaster or other staff of this institute cannot take any responsibility
for any content of pages targeted to by external links. The content of these external websites is created by persons
listed in the impressa found there and must be accredited to their respective owners.
Dr. Martin Pfeiffer
Site credits
We thank
the assistance and help during our studies in Sabah. Especially we want to
express our gratitude to our collegues from Sabah Parks' research department
(Dr. Jamili Nais, Maklarin Lakim and coworkers) that helped us in various
ways during technical problems with our field studies.We also want to thank
Assoc. Prof. Datin Dr.
Maryati Mohamed Director of the
of the
Universiti Malaysia Sabah for
her close cooperation during field work and preparation of the studies. We
thank the Economic Planning Unit (EPU, Malaysia) for research permission in
In Mongolia we thank Prof.K. Ulykpan and his son Aibeck Ulykpan, both working
in the Department of Ecology from the
of Ulaanbaatar for the help during our studies.
We are most grateful to my friends and colleges, who were essential to built
up the
comparative ant collection and who kindly lent me it for taking the photos:
Carsten Brühl, Stefanie Berghoff and Andreas Floren. The current curator
Dieter Mahsberg.
Many thanks also to the taxonomists who helped us with the determination of
the ants: Barry Bolton, Wolfgang H.O. Dorow, Katsuyuki Eguchi, Hirofumi Okido,
Rudy Kohout, John Lattke, Fabrizio Rigato, Krzysztof Roskiszewski, Seiki Yamane,
P.S. Ward and others.
We are also grateful to all those people, who provided us with specimens,
especially Roland Schultz, University of Greifswald,
Verhaagh and
Klingenberg, Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe and
Zettel, Museum of Natural History Wien.
Most photographs of the AntBase.Net had been taken and were processed by Manuela Wiest and Hans Peter Katzmann, Gero Lückemeyer helped us
with CSS files, in Antbase.net our project manager Hans Peter Katzmann is responsible
for all that work. Many thanks to Evelin Boos, Michael Wiedemann, Thorsten Ludwig and Jürgen
Hoppe from the
SysTax Project
for help. Especially Michael had a lot of work with writing the scripts for
I thank Yvonne Basusie and Noel B. Tawatao, Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation Universiti Malaysia Sabah
for the translation of AntBase.Net into the Malay language!! This was a very important job!
We are grateful to Dr. Donat Agosti, American Museum of Natural History and to Dr. Brian Fisher, Californian Academy
of Science for their advice, help and support regarding automontage photos and the proper practice of a virtual museum.
We thank all our readers who help us checking proper identification of ants. Please inform us if you identify mistakes!
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